Red Poppies are Not Artificial

The red poppy is a real and hardy flower that thrives in Belgium, France, England, and along the streets of Georgetown, Texas. This vibrant wildflower is a strong and passionate symbol of the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces across Europe, Canada, and the United States.

Poppies are authentic.

Poppies are powerful.

Poppies are the perfect reminder of the true meaning of Memorial Day in the United States.  A stark and true symbol of remembrance and hope.

I first learned about the poppy when I was 10 years old and competing in my local VFW Post’s Poppy Queen contest.  Having studied the history and background of the red and black flower, I have grown to appreciate its beauty and enduring symbolism.  While paper replicas of the Papaver roheas are hand-crafted and distributed outside thousands of grocery stores on Memorial Day weekend in the U.S., they are not artificial.  Rather, they represent the truest of all human experiences – that of noble sacrifice for one’s country.

It is an honor to don a red poppy in remembrance for those who have served in the military and paid the ultimate price.

The last stanza of the famous WWI poem, In Flanders Field, strikes me in my heart every time I read or recite it:

Take up our quarrel with the foe

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch;  be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die.

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

 In Flanders Field.”

The reality of humankind’s warlike ways is painfully evident across the globe and the valiant fight of good against evil continues.   The simple red poppy remains a strong and radiant light of truth, power and sacrifice.  Nothing is more real than that.






One thought on “Red Poppies are Not Artificial

  1. The symbolism of the red poppy is unknown to many, either because of cultural reasons or because of a common understanding. It is good of you to bring us this story that educates by example. Thank you, Brenda, for your care of veterans.

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