Words of Wisdom from Pink Floyd



Link to Audio recording of this article

What are we waiting for?

Time is a funny thing. It passes so slowly when we are doing things that are hard, painful or unpleasant. But boy does time pass in the blink of an eye when we experience things that are fun, exciting or pleasurable.

This strange and relative perspective on time has been on my mind a lot lately as I reflect on the frequent news and Facebook posts about friends and family who leave this earth too soon.  What about all the things they wanted to do- all the things they had planned but will never have the chance to now?

So as I ponder the idea of our pending expiration date, I ask again-  What are we waiting for?

For words of wisdom, guidance and inspiration I went to my iTunes library and fired up one of my favorite bands, Pink Floyd and listened to the great song “Time” from the Dark Side of the Moon album.  The lyrics are universal and powerful and include lines such as:

“Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time.

Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.”

Live performance of “Time” by Pink Floyd

Yes, time waits for no one and keeps marching on.

The question is – are you doing everything you want to do and are you everything you want to be right now or are you “ waiting for something or someone to show you the way”? 

I love Pink Floyd’s message and call to action in “Time” when they warned us “no one told you when to run;  you missed the starting gun”.

Well here I am with my starting bell [Ding], prompting you to get started right now with one small step to get you closer to where you want to be or what you want to do.

What are you waiting for?


Capturing the Moment

Capturing the Moment

Lights, Camera and the Community in Action

As part of the Toastmasters in the Community series in my Ahwatukee club blog, I published this article last week.


Sharing the emotion and meaning of a moment in unique and creative ways, Steve Smull has been behind the scenes with his camera and flash at countless Toastmasters, veteran and community events chronicling important occasions, messages and achievements.


At a Veterans Day parade in Denver, CO

He considers himself an Image Documentarian who enjoys recording milestones and experiences with an eye to aesthetics where angle, context, composition and lighting are all continually considered and calculated.


Speaking at a Career Fair for Veterans in  Phoenix, AZ



Steve learned the art of the craft from his father who was a professional photographer specializing in black and white prints.  Filming in Super 8 was also a skill he learned in his youth and drives his passion for videography today.


Presenting a wreath at a Memorial Day service in Denver, CO

Steve gets the shot that helps share and promote the perspective and meaning of the scene.  By saving memories and images he helps memorialize and remember our past and the sacrifices many have made.  By reporting and educating, he honors our history and traditions one frozen moment at a time.


The winners of a Poppy Queen contest


By documenting the impact, action and faces in the community, Steve aids his fellow volunteers in promoting and increasing awareness on their important causes.


The Ahwatukee American Legion Color Guard in Arizona


Whether it’s a speech contest, a fundraiser gala, a  bike race or a solemn memorial service, Steve has a knack for artfully capturing the action, passion and beauty of the scene.


At the Cyclocross Nationals Race in Boulder, CO