My Compelling Blog: Part 8 (WXYZ)

This is the final post of My Compelling Blog series and the letters are WXYZ.





Words have power.

As a speaker, mentor and now writer, I have a great appreciation for the strength, meaning and impact of words.


How you ever noticed how many quotes, rules and words of wisdom there are that refer to watching what words you use and how you speak?

Be impeccable with your word.- The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

Be precise in your speech.  12 Rules for Life, Jordon B. Petersen

Silence speaks when words fail.- Unknown


Xenophile–  I like this word better than the more commonly used antonym, xenophobe.  A xenophile is a person who has a love of foreign people and cultures.  I like that.


My friend Shardul, a xenophile and world traveler

Yoga– Some of my best friends have shared their zest for yoga with me.

Here’s a wonderful quote by Amit Ray that frames yoga and words.

“Exercises are like prose,

whereas yoga is the poetry of movements.

Once you understand the grammar of yoga;

You can write your poetry of movements.”


Zest- I’ll end this compelling blog series like I started it- with great enthusiasm and energy.

My zest for writing and sharing thoughts, ideas and images is what keeps life interesting and I am glad that you have joined me on the journey!


For those of you who love lists, here are the 26 words I have featured in my last 8 blogs:



























My Compelling Blog: Part 7 (TUV)

Welcome to Part 7 of My Compelling Blog where the featured letters are T, U and V.

I had the hardest time choosing three words this time.  So many words, thoughts and concepts have been swirling in my head this past week and in the end, after countless lists and sticky notes, I landed on Trust Unites Values (with Vision and Voice).

Okay so there are 3 V words, you’ll see why in a moment.


Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States

I’ve always been inspired by the leadership and oratory skills of the many great Presidents of the United States and since today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, I thought it fitting to share this perspective and story which was featured in the LA Times.

Below is an excerpt of an article by David Blackenhorn, President of Better Angels titled “ Today’s leaders should ask themselves:  What would Lincoln do?”

“In 1865, when Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address, the Civil War was nearing an end, and he was already thinking about how “to bind up the nation’s wounds.” In that same address, when he urged “malice toward none,” he meant it.

Throughout his political career, Lincoln rejected dogmatism, embraced pragmatism, and sought compromise, something that often didn’t sit well with those he considered his allies. 

Lincoln chose humor over vitriol and understanding over judgment. He liked telling stories more than delivering lectures and making suggestions more than issuing orders. A strong, confident man, but one who also experienced dark depression, Lincoln was mild-mannered. His capacity for empathy was striking to those around him.

Lincoln had important flaws, but was providentially suited to his times. In a time of disunity, he tried to remind Americans what united them.

Amid conflict, he sought conciliation.

Amid anger, he advocated “charity for all.”

Amid despair, he summoned “the better angels of our nature.”

On his birthday, today’s leaders would do well to contemplate his wisdom.”

Link to LA Times Article

And so it was honest Abe who was trusted by millions of Americans to unite a fractured nation.  He used Trust to Unite our Values with his Vision and Voice.

It is my hope that our nation’s leaders today choose humor over vitriol and understanding over judgment.  I can dream, right?

I wish you all a safe and happy President’s weekend!







My Compelling Blog: Part 5 (MNOP)

Welcome to the Year of the Earth Pig!

This week millions of people around the world celebrated the Lunar New Year. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig.

Fun searching on Google tells us that “A pig represents luck, overall good fortune, wealth, honesty, general prosperity, symbolizing a hard working, a peace-loving person, a truthful, generous, patient, reliable, trusting, sincere, giving, sociable person with a large sense of humor and understanding.”

Part 5 of My Compelling blog series continues with the letters MNO & P which stand for Molding Novel Outlooks and Perspectives.

Scroll past the pigs to see some new ideas.


Photo by Steve Smull

Random Thoughts and Suggestions

  • Feeling stuck or in a rut? Break out clay, Playdoh or coloring books.
  • Listen to Pink Floyd’s Animals album.  “Pigs on a Wing” and “Sheep” are two of my favorites songs.
  • Read interesting and thought provoking books like:
    • Teatime for the Firefly by Shona Patel
    • Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
    • The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani
    • The Art of Dancing in the Rain by Garth Stein
  • Listen to podcasts to get more in depth analysis and nuance an various subjects (Fresh Air, This American Life, Good Life Project).
  • Take a different route on your way to work or the grocery store.
  • Read Dilbert comic strips.
  • Instead of making lofty new year’s resolutions in January- try setting smaller monthly goals and objectives.
  • Don’t be afraid to wear silly hats.
  • Listen more than you speak.
  • Read about another country’s history.
  • Take more time to pet your cats, dogs, or other pets.
  • Ask a young child what they think about a specific subject.
  • Watch classic black and white movies.



My Compelling Blog: Part 4 (JKL)

Life is a crazy rollercoaster and sometimes you just have to laugh at the absolute insanity of it all.

This is why Part 4 of my compelling blog features the phrase “Just Keep Laughing”  for the letters JKL.   I thought this was more helpful and inspirational than “Just Kidding Loser” or worse yet, the dreaded “Just Kidding LOL”.  Is it just me or do you find LOL to be annoying?



My Mom’s favorite express was “Live, Love, Laugh” and I always admired her warm smile and jolly laugh. She had a tough life with many challenges but she never let it get her down.

So when the crazy/mean/rude/obnoxious people in this world start making you feel like your head is going to explode, remember Just Keep Laughing!

Plus, as an added bonus, laughing has many health benefits for you, including:

  1. Reduces stress hormone levels
  2. Triggers the release of endorphins
  3. Increases your creativity
  4. Works your abs
  5. Boosts your immune system
  6. Lowers blood pressure
  7. Reduces anxiety
  8. Relaxes you and calms your mood

Photo by Steve Smull

My Compelling Blog: Part 3 (GHI)


Welcome to Part 3 of my compelling blog where the letters GHI stand for Giving Heroes Inspire.


My first role models were in my home and were my hard working and humble parents.

My next role models were in my school and were my inspiring teachers and supportive, caring coaches.


My high school soccer coach, Jean Puf

The other amazing role models were in my community and were the volunteer members of my small town’s first aid squad and fire department.  They didn’t get paid but always responded to the loud siren call to help someone in need.


These giving heroes inspired me to be a better person and I dedicate this blog to them.

The brave first responders in our community deserve our upmost respect and support.

The many selfless teachers and coaches in our schools should be appreciated, well paid and celebrated.

I am so grateful to my parents, siblings and extended family in NJ who instilled in me the importance of giving, helping and supporting others.

Let us never forget the sacrifice that the many Heroes in our midst make every day.