The Ultimate Three-fer

On this first day of summer 2024, my yoga instructor Chris reminded us that energy is building due to three key events this June. One is the auspicious Summer Solstice on 6/20, two is International Yoga Day on 6/21, and three is the Full Moon (Strawberry moon) on 6/22. Wow, now I know why our 2 kitties have been going crazy in the house this past week!

Photo by David Besh on

The heat waves in the US are upon us and this increase in cosmic and thermal energy can add to the turbulence and the temperature in our lives. My advice is to be extra mindful of your hydration levels and strive to temper your responses to stress with pauses and deep breaths.

While in the middle of this three-fer event, I’d like to make 3 wishes for the world:

  1. Patience
  2. Tolerance
  3. Compassion

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait- it’s how we behave while we’re waiting”. – Joyce Meyer

“In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” – Dalai Lama

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” -Dalai Lama

Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Of Courage and Judgement

In the eleven years of writing my thoughts and ideas on my Word Press site Strong Words and Simple Truths, I’ve observed that some posts receive more random views than others.  The blog below was written in October 2016 and is one that is consistently gets viewed by three or four people every month and I’ve always wondered why.

On this morning in June 2024, I pulled the Judgement card and reflected on the symbolism once again.  I haven’t seen this card in years and decided to read the widely read 2016 blog again.

It’s uncanny how similar patterns in the world and in my personal journey keep repeating themselves.

As I embark on a new chapter and journey in life, I am reminded to keep the faith and have the courage to do what is right.  

Photo by Lukas Hartmann on

The following excerpt about the Judgement tarot card is taken from and applies to all people facing major changes in their lives.

“It’s a very hard card to read, in part because it deals with very hard and final decisions.  And it means facing something that most querents don’t want to face.  This is not about Death, something ending whether you want it to or not, this is about deciding to make a change, to stop doing something that isn’t working or do something that will work.  Which means that’s it really a card about courage, and about recognizing that you’re holding on something that needs to be let go.”

Here’s my post from October 9, 2016 titled The Fool on the Hill and the Judgement Card:

There is nothing like a good tarot card reading, a pending move to a new state and a bizarrely disgusting election news cycle to get me to look at things in an altered way.  An Agile Life encourages us to have frequent Retrospectives to review what is going well, what is blocking us and what we can do differently.

I view tarot cards as a mirror to the heart and soul and they often reflect thoughts and notions back to us in a new light.

“There is no way to leave the past behind,” The Angel observes. “Each step wears down the shoe just a bit, and so shapes the next step you take, and the next and the next. Your past is always under your feet. You cannot hide from it, run from it, or rid yourself of it. But you can call it up, and come to terms with it. Are you willing to do that?

The Angel hands the Fool a small trumpet. The Fool is hesitant, but he knows that the Angel is right. There are certain memories he has a hard time looking back on as they make him feel guilty, ashamed, angry. He knows that he’s never come to terms with what happened and he must if he wants to make that final transition.”

Here are some retrospective thoughts and questions based my drawing of the Judgement Card last night:

Are we able to resurrect the past, forgive it and let it go?

Do we need to start something we’ve been putting off or have the courage to finally end something that isn’t good for us?

Is it time to move on?

As I bask in the glorious autumn weather of Colorado and watch the leaves turn to orange, yellow and red, I remember that they will all fall to the ground soon, dead but nurturing to the soil below. I also have faith that the leaves will be reborn in the spring as the seasons continue to roll by.

I have hope that after the cold winter, there will be a better, brighter season but in the meantime…

It’s time forgive and move on to more important things.